Defiant Harborough Theatre chiefs are vowing – we will be back!

Harborough Theatre.Harborough Theatre.
Harborough Theatre.
The pledge has come as the popular venue battles the ongoing Covid-19 crisis after being closed since the Government’s March lockdown was launched

Talking to the Harborough Mail, John Foreman, chairman of Market Harborough Drama Society, said: “As we say in our theatre window – we will be back!”

John said they are struggling to get any long term information on the fast-changing situation as the country continues to confront the coronavirus.

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“But unofficially the message is that it will be next year before theatres can open here in the accepted sense," he said.

“This is borne out by most major venues having cancelled all 2020 performances in the past couple of months and rescheduling for 2021.”

“We have also had to cancel all our remaining 2020 performances, unfortunately.

“But we have been allowed to open parts of our building for non-live performance activities - so that’s positive.

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“And, unless there are any further adverse developments in the next couple of months, we will be restarting things like youth classes in September.”

Sitting on Church Square, Market Harborough, the much-loved theatre is dialling in more drama for the New Year – break a leg and fingers crossed.

“We are now planning for a re-opening in January 2021 – but it’s more in hope than expectation.

“While social distancing applies in anything like its current form it will be more or less impossible for any theatre to operate meaningfully.

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“Our 120-seat theatre would have a capacity of around just 25 if two-metre social distancing was required,” said John.

“But we are very lucky here in Market Harborough.

“We are a volunteer-led charitable organisation.

“So our overheads are low and we can sit this out for a while longer yet and we will bounce back for the people of Harborough.”