Landlady of historic pub near Harborough digs out 129-year-old letter that offers a fascinating glimpse into the building's past

Anna Raven with the 129-year-old letter.
PICTURE: ANDREW CARPENTERAnna Raven with the 129-year-old letter.
Anna Raven with the 129-year-old letter. PICTURE: ANDREW CARPENTER
The letter gave a valuation for the George Hotel – now the Wharf Inn - in 1891

The landlady of an historic pub near Harborough has been waging a root and branch clear-out during the long coronavirus pandemic – and she’s dug out a letter dating back a stunning 129 years.

Anna Raven, 48, was astonished to find the priceless piece of paper giving a valuation for the George Hotel – now the Wharf Inn – in Welford back on October 12, 1891.

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Expert valuers said the charming 216-year-old canal and riverside pub was worth a princely £329 at a time when Queen Victoria sat on the throne at the head of the British Empire at its zenith.

The 129-year-old letter.The 129-year-old letter.
The 129-year-old letter.

That’s the equivalent of about £42,700 today.

Anna, who runs the Wharf Inn with her partner Darren Patrick, 50, said: “I was amazed to find this fascinating letter stretching back well over a century.

“I’ve been trying to sort out the pub since we initially shut down last March.

“I found this document in our office, a quaint little room on the second floor of our tower.

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Anna Raven and Darren Patrick are running a takeaway service during Covid.
PICTURE: ANDREW CARPENTERAnna Raven and Darren Patrick are running a takeaway service during Covid.
Anna Raven and Darren Patrick are running a takeaway service during Covid. PICTURE: ANDREW CARPENTER

“It really does bring the history of our magnificent pub to life and makes you realise just how many years we go back over many decades.

“I’m still smiling about finding this fantastic letter helping to chart our unique past here.”

She added: “It did make me wonder how much £329 was worth today in 2020.

“The figure included all the stock back then, side buildings and land.

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“We forked out about £20,000 for the pub in 2014 – if only it had been £329 then!

“The Wharf, then the George, dates back to 1804 when it was built during the Napoleonic wars and flourished as a very popular coach house.

“We go all the way back to the days when we had an incredible 13 pubs here in Welford.

“Can you imagine that now – an astonishing 13 pubs in a tiny village the size of Welford?!”

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But keen as she is about plunging into the Wharf Inn’s rich and varied past, Anna is also working dynamically to keep the much-loved 19th century pub just as big a success story looking ahead.

“We have been making headlines recently because we sit just 200 yards inside the Harborough district and Leicestershire county boundaries.

“In reality we are part of Welford, which, of course, stands over the border in Northamptonshire just minutes away.

“So Welford is currently in Tier 2 of the Covid-19 restrictions while we are in the hardline Tier 3 zone along with the rest of Harborough,” said Anna.

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“It’s harsh and it’s been tough because we’ve had to shut down – even though we’re just a stone’s throw from Tier 2 where the pubs are still open.

“But we are certainly not standing still.

“Darren rolled up his sleeves and leapt into action as soon as the first lockdown was imposed nine months ago.

“He kickstarted our superb takeaway and delivery service and it’s going down a bomb.

“You can order tasty, delicious food ranging from fish and chips, scampi and chips and lasagna to lamb chops and roast beef,” said Anna.

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“So please check us out on our website and give us a call – I can guarantee you’ll be back for more!

“I am so proud and privileged to run the Wharf along with Darren and we’ll both be raising a drink or two to many more happy years here along with our brilliant regulars.”

If you would like to find out more about the Wharf Inn or perhaps order up some of their top-notch fare, visit their website here:

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