Shoppers asked to spend a fiver to help independent shops and businesses across Harborough

Independent shops and businesses across Harborough are taking part in the Totally Locally National Fiver Fest in a bid to fire up the local economy hit hard by the Covid pandemic. Photo by Andrew Carpenter.Independent shops and businesses across Harborough are taking part in the Totally Locally National Fiver Fest in a bid to fire up the local economy hit hard by the Covid pandemic. Photo by Andrew Carpenter.
Independent shops and businesses across Harborough are taking part in the Totally Locally National Fiver Fest in a bid to fire up the local economy hit hard by the Covid pandemic. Photo by Andrew Carpenter.
The campaign is designed to help businesses after a tough time during the pandemic

Independent shops and businesses across Harborough are taking part in the Totally Locally National Fiver Fest in a bid to fire up the local economy hit hard by the Covid pandemic.

Fiver Fest is a free-to-join campaign, devised and run by Totally Locally, which calls on shoppers to spend just £5 each week with small businesses in their communities.

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Harborough District Council is encouraging businesses to back the mission by showcasing £5 offers from June 12 to 26.

Cllr Phil King, the leader of Harborough council, said: “We are all aware of the challenges faced by the high street over the past year, so it has never been more vital to support our local businesses.

“If every adult in Harborough District spent just £5 per week in their local independent shops and businesses, it would mean an extra £17.8 million a year going directly into the local economy.

“That would help to support local jobs growth, boost our high streets and help keep our area as a nice place to live.”

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Jarrod Burke, who helps to leads local independent shops as chairman of the Harbs Collective, said: “Our independent businesses are what makes our district towns so special and unique.

“The community support for local businesses has been amazing during, and now after, lockdown so these offers are to say thank you to customers, and to highlight the great value and economic impact of shopping locally.

“Small changes in spending habits can really make a difference to our high streets.”

He added: “By diverting £5 of our weekly spend to local independents we give them a fighting chance to thrive.

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“The pandemic has shown just what an amazing contribution they make to our local communities.

“But we need the public’s support, now more than ever.”

“This is the fifth National Fiver Fest to take place and this year’s campaign is more important than ever after the past 12 months,” said Harborough council.

Find out more about Fiver Fest at: Phil Knowles, who heads up the council’s Liberal Democrats, said:

“So many of our local businesses have been at almost breaking point – and some sadly won’t recover from the huge impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Initiatives like this that attract critical money into the local economy are vitally important.

“For many businesses they will in fact determine their entire future.”

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