Fancy a spot of yoga? Here's how Harborough residents can take part online

Archway Health HubArchway Health Hub
Archway Health Hub
Paul Hodgetts at Market Harborough’s Archway Health Hub has started doing free online yoga sessions for devotees across Harborough and beyond

Fancy a spot of yoga but missing your classes during the coronavirus lockdown?

A yoga teacher at Market Harborough’s Archway Health Hub has got just the answer.

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Paul Hodgetts has started doing free online yoga sessions for devotees across Harborough and beyond.

Find out more and sign up today by visiting his website at

Paul’s Facebook page can be found as Two Breaths more.

Everything you need to know will be there.

Drop him an email at [email protected] and Paul will add you to the distribution list.

The classes last for about an hour and are free during the national crisis.