Government slammed by Leicestershire’s civilian police chief for failing to give the region emergency courts to tackle the huge Covid-19 backlog

The Government has been slammed by Leicestershires civilian police chief for failing to give the East Midlands emergency courts to tackle the huge Covid-19 backlog.The Government has been slammed by Leicestershires civilian police chief for failing to give the East Midlands emergency courts to tackle the huge Covid-19 backlog.
The Government has been slammed by Leicestershires civilian police chief for failing to give the East Midlands emergency courts to tackle the huge Covid-19 backlog.
The number of outstanding court cases has rocketed across the East Midlands - leaving “vulnerable victims” waiting months or even years for justice

The Government has been slammed by Leicestershire’s civilian police chief for failing to give the East Midlands emergency courts to tackle the huge Covid-19 backlog.

Lord Willy Bach, the county’s Police and Crime Commissioner, launched a broadside after the Government identified 10 areas in England and Wales to host new ‘Nightingale courts’ from next month.

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They are acting in a bid to ensure the "wheels of justice keep turning".

The number of outstanding court cases has rocketed across the East Midlands - leaving “vulnerable victims” waiting months or even years for justice.

But the region has missed out on the new emergency support announced by the Government and now faces a rapidly-escalating crisis.

Lord Bach, who is also chair of East Midlands Criminal Justice Board, said: "It is absolutely astonishing that a major region of England and Wales has been ignored completely, as it has so frequently in the past when it comes to governmental support and funding.

"The legal system is bursting at the seams.

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“Locally, we have just as big a backlog per capita as anywhere else yet again we are left to fend for ourselves.”

The former Lutterworth mayor and Harborough councillor snapped: “What kind of message does this send vulnerable victims who are being denied justice simply because of where they live?

"The pandemic has exacerbated an existing crisis and it will take much more than 10 extra courts to undo the damage.

“If the Government is serious about delivering ‘speedier’ justice for victims, and helping the justice system to recover post-coronavirus, then it needs to tackle the whole problem and avoid further delays."

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The new courts will hear civil, family and tribunals as well as non-custodial crime cases to free up crown courts for serious hearings with a jury where cells and secure dock facilities are required.

It is understood that a staggering 8,500 magistrates court cases are now backed up in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.

And there is a backlog of about 500 local cases waiting to be heard at crown court.