Harborough police officer uses innovative approach to tackle rowdy youths upsetting residents in Kibworth

PC Steve WinnPC Steve Winn
PC Steve Winn
PC Winn intervened as people were becoming increasingly angry over people causing trouble by their popular park

A Harborough police officer used an innovative approach to tackle rowdy youths upsetting residents in Kibworth.

PC Steve Winn, 38, deployed social media to help defuse the long-running anti-social behaviour problem in the Harborough district village.

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The Market Harborough-based officer has now spoken about his special tactics to help mark Anti-social Behaviour awareness week.

PC Winn intervened as people were becoming increasingly angry over youths causing trouble by their popular park.

The-highly-experienced Harborough rural officer decided to film himself going to the park to give an insight into the kind of behaviour villagers were suffering.

PC Winn also helped to get new CCTV cameras and better lights installed on the park as well as a secure gate put up.

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“This was all about reaching a conclusion that everyone was happy with.

“I wanted to speak to the young people themselves to let them know their behaviour was problematic for those who lived close to the park,” said PC Winn.

“I wanted to engage their parents, not to get anyone in trouble but by speaking to them directly through social media and Facebook Live I was able to show them in real time what was happening.

“The youths were not committing crimes but their behaviours were impacting the community.

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“There were times when glass bottles were broken and not cleared away making the playground unsafe for the children who wanted to use it the next day.

“There were some temporary dispersal zone orders given out which prevented people returning to the park for 24 or 48 hours,” said PC Winn.

“These helped too because it gave the residents respite and provided those who received the orders time to moderate their behaviour.

“This combined approach resulted in a reduction in the disturbances on the park and the local community was happier.

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“I found the key to making these improvements was open communication and letting the young people know I didn’t want to stop their fun in any way but that they needed to remember to consider the community impact and keeping the park nice for everyone’s use.”