Harborough eco-campaigners are appealing to people to take holidays in the UK rather than flying overseas

Eco-campaigners in Harborough are appealing to people to take holidays in the UK rather than flying overseas.Eco-campaigners in Harborough are appealing to people to take holidays in the UK rather than flying overseas.
Eco-campaigners in Harborough are appealing to people to take holidays in the UK rather than flying overseas.
The activists are speaking out as the hottest day ever was recorded in Britain yesterday (Tuesday)

Eco-campaigners in Harborough are appealing to people to take holidays in the UK rather than flying overseas.

Harborough Climate Action are declaring that we have to act now if we are to defeat global warming.

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The activists are speaking out as the hottest day ever has been recorded in Britain – a searing 104.5F (40.3C) in Coningsby, Lincolnshire, yesterday (Tuesday).

“Harborough Climate Action is helping us all to tackle this climate crisis together and reduce our harmful greenhouse gas emissions.

“The Carbon Footprint Wheel shown here illustrates where the greenhouse gas emissions from a typical UK household are generated,” said the environmental group.

“Understanding where our emissions come from can help us identify where we can make changes in our lives which will help us to reduce these emissions.”

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The average British person is said to produce about 13 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions every year.

“Transport accounts for around a quarter of this, of which flying makes up a significant proportion.

“Flying abroad from the UK in 2019 accounted for around half a tonne of these emissions for every person in the UK,” said Harborough Climate Action.

These are the group’s tips to help you reduce your impact on the planet:

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· Consider the alternatives to flying before you book your holiday or business trip

· Try holidaying in the UK, travelling by car, train or even bike

· Many European locations are now reachable by high-speed trains – generating about just a fifth of the emissions of flying

· Avoiding long haul or trans-Atlantic flying can reduce your impact by more than 10-fold, compared to flying to Europe

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· If you need to fly, make sure you purchase enough carbon credits to offset the emissions.

Carbon Credits can offset your “climate impact” by funding projects which slash greenhouse gas emissions by planting trees or building carbon free energy systems.

“Most airlines offer these as part of the process of buying tickets, but you can buy them through other providers.

“Make sure that any carbon credits you buy are ‘Gold Standard’, as this will confirm that any carbon reductions are certified, genuine, independently verified and traceable,” said Harborough Climate Action.

Harborough Climate Action is part of Sustainable Harborough Community.

You can find out more about both groups at: www.SustainableHarboroughCommunity.co.uk/hca

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