Comment by Harborough churches: Let's enjoy the simple things in life

Every week, the Harborough churches write a column for the Harborough Mail. This week, it is turn of Phil Walter, Pastor at Harborough Community Church.Every week, the Harborough churches write a column for the Harborough Mail. This week, it is turn of Phil Walter, Pastor at Harborough Community Church.
Every week, the Harborough churches write a column for the Harborough Mail. This week, it is turn of Phil Walter, Pastor at Harborough Community Church.
Every week, the Harborough churches write a column for the Harborough Mail. This week, it is turn of Phil Walter, Pastor at Harborough Community Church

Viewpoint by Phil Walter, Pastor at Harborough Community Church

What a challenge it has been for so many hairdressers, pubs, restaurants, shops and now churches, faced with the task of opening up, but with restrictions that turn the experience into something very different to what was normal.

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For the church, it means turning up on a Sunday having booked your place (that’s something I never thought I would say!) keeping a two metre distance, sanitising hands, being shown to a seat, again two metres from another human being, no singing, moving around for the children, short service, no communion, no refreshments and no meaningful conversations. Then ushered out quickly by another entrance!

This is not church as we know it, where the message of God’s heart for mankind of love, respect and value for others cannot be easily expressed, due to these restrictions. There are of course very good reasons for this as we must put people’s safety at the forefront.

In the midst of all this I am drawn to a phrase I heard recently that really struck me as pertinent for our times. “A return to Simplicity” got me thinking! It is very easy to miss the simple things in life which return to us a great deal of pleasure and enjoyment. The complications of Covid-19 and the aftermath will stop us returning to “normal” at present but why not focus on the simple things!

I have spent some time in my garden over the last four months and noticed so much as I had time to use my five senses! To see the beauty of God’s Creation, to hear the birds singing and being able to be quiet and listen! To touch plants and flowers, to smell the fragrance of the honeysuckle, to anticipate the taste of the tomatoes when ripe and so much more.

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These last four months have been a reminder to us of the importance of the simple things in life that we may have lost. I miss the hug of grandchildren, putting them to bed and reading a story, spending time relaxing with family and so on. Hopefully these things will return to us soon.

Let me suggest what such simplicity might include:

- Appreciating the natural – birds, animals, flowers, rain and sunshine

- A stroll in the park or countryside

- A drink with friends in your garden

- A time of reflection and prayer

- Reading a good book or magazine as you relax

- Some kind of art or craft or hobby

- Neighbourly acts of kindness

For you, other simple things might come to mind. It is interesting that the simple things in life cost very little if anything!

As we return from lockdown, however easy of difficult that turns out to be, why not consider a return to simplicity, in which there is so much that takes us to what God has provided for us to enjoy. You might find that in the midst of the busyness that will return in your life for many reasons, simplicity will bring with it a desire to know God personally through Jesus Christ His Son our Saviour. God bless you.

By Phil Walter

Pastor, Harborough Community Church

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