Harborough chess player springs into life-saving action after fellow player collapses mid-game

'Miracle man' Richard with his family.'Miracle man' Richard with his family.
'Miracle man' Richard with his family.
His wife said without the fellow chess player’s quick-thinking ‘the outcome would not have been the same’

A chess player who suffered a cardiac arrest in the middle of a game was lucky enough to be nearby a trained GP playing a league match for Harborough.

Prof Simon Gay leapt into action when he recognised the signs that player Richard Hanscombe’s heart had stopped.

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Simon began administering CPR before emergency services arrived to rush Richard to hospital.

Richard's family were preparing to say goodbye when he began showing signs of life.Richard's family were preparing to say goodbye when he began showing signs of life.
Richard's family were preparing to say goodbye when he began showing signs of life.

It was not until some 35 minutes after he collapsed at Braunstone Civic Centre medical staff were able to detect a heartbeat. Eventually a sedated Richard was hooked up to a ventilator at Glenfield where his devastated family were told his brain had little chance of survival.

However, as they prepared to say their goodbyes and hospital staff began removing his breathing apparatus, the 77-year-old suddenly showed signs of life – kicking his legs out and attempting to open his eyes.

Richard’s wife, Paulette said: “He really is a walking miracle. One minute we were crying our eyes out and the next we were jumping for joy.”

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Paulette has more than one reason to believe her husband is a ‘miracle man’.

Not only has he overcome liver and lung cancer, but also a life-threatening sepsis episode in recent years.

She added: “He’s the man with nine lives, but we’re not complaining.

“We know how close he came to not being with us. But for the speed at which he received CPR, there’s no way the outcome would have been the same. We can’t thank Simon enough for what he did. I know that had it happened at home, there’s no way I would have known exactly what to do.”

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Richard said: “It’s a remarkable set of circumstances. I’m a glass half full sort of person and I just get on with things so even though I’d felt a little unwell that evening, I decided to play chess anyway. I’m pleased I did because if it hadn’t happened where it did, Simon wouldn’t have been there to help and I wouldn’t be here today.

“I owe Simon my life for what he did and I’m extremely grateful. It’s a lesson to us all that having these lifesaving skills is essential as well as access to a defibrillator because you just never know when they might be needed. I really am one of the lucky ones.”

Simon added: “I am very pleased to have been in the right place at the right time to play a part in Richard’s survival that evening.

“I dispatched someone to fetch a defibrillator as soon as it happened and this was on its way from a nearby leisure centre I believe, when paramedics arrived and took over life-saving treatment. But this just goes to show how important having basic CPR skills can be – and I would encourage everyone to consider taking the time to learn it – it is very easy to do.

“I’m really looking forward to the next time Richard and I are both playing chess together - it will certainly have a bit more meaning to it.”

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