Harborough council chairman racks up 61 miles touring the district – without leaving Harborough

Harborough District chairman Stephen Bilbie with Lisa Harrison-Byrne and Ester Blunt of Vista during his charity cycle ride under the Old Grammar School.
PICTURE: ANDREW CARPENTERHarborough District chairman Stephen Bilbie with Lisa Harrison-Byrne and Ester Blunt of Vista during his charity cycle ride under the Old Grammar School.
Harborough District chairman Stephen Bilbie with Lisa Harrison-Byrne and Ester Blunt of Vista during his charity cycle ride under the Old Grammar School. PICTURE: ANDREW CARPENTER
he’s already generated about £200 for his chosen charity - Leicester-based Vista

The chairman of Harborough council has got on his bike and racked up an impressive 61 miles touring the district – without leaving Market Harborough.

Cllr Stephen Bilbie notched up the mileage virtually as he pedalled away underneath the Old Grammar School on Market Harborough’s High Street on Saturday (September 11).

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And he’s already generated about £200 for his chosen charity, Leicester-based Vista, which helps people with sight loss after his gruelling six-hour cycling mini-marathon.

“It was an exciting day and went very well.

“We had lots of people interested in what I was doing, as well as riding alongside me,” said Cllr Bilbie.

“I’d like to thank everyone who has donated so far - and those who supported me on what was a fantastic day from start to finish.

“If you haven’t already, please donate on my Just Giving page so that we can raise even more for this great charity.”

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You can help saddle-sore Cllr Bilbie, who represents the district council’s Fleckney ward, hit his £500 target by chipping in on his Just Giving Page here: www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/stephen-bilbie-3