How a Harborough charity is helping another vital cause during the Covid-19 crisis

Harborough Twenty 12 Lions Club is helping a crucial fellow local charity after receiving a cash boost themselves.Harborough Twenty 12 Lions Club is helping a crucial fellow local charity after receiving a cash boost themselves.
Harborough Twenty 12 Lions Club is helping a crucial fellow local charity after receiving a cash boost themselves.
Harborough Twenty 12 Lions Club has used its share of a special fund to hand Women's Aid Leicestershire £750

Harborough Twenty 12 Lions Club is helping a crucial fellow local charity after receiving a cash boost themselves.

Lions Clubs across the UK have benefited from a special £100,000 fund launched to support communities during the Covid-19 crisis.

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Now Harborough Twenty 12 Lions Club has used its share of the pot to hand Women's Aid Leicestershire £750.

Harborough Lion Michael Thomas said: “This is a significant sum of money that we are putting to good use straightaway.

“This coronavirus pandemic is hurting lots of local people in lots of different ways - just because we are all social distancing doesn’t stop us from caring.

“We are doing all that we can.”

He added: “This cash injection will go towards helping the women and children that arrive at the refuge, many of whom arrive with very little or nothing after fleeing a difficult situation.”

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