Meet the general election candidates for the Harborough seat: Robin Lambert (Independent)

Robin LambertRobin Lambert
Robin Lambert
We asked all the general election candidates standing for the Harborough seat to submit 300 words on why you should vote for them.

This is the pitch from Robin Lambert, who is an independent candidate, (all the other candidates can be found on our website):

The current anti-democratic impasse in Westminster is generated by ‘’Remainers’’ in Lib-lab-Cons-Snp-Plaid-Green Parties.

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It points to an out of touch political class and highlights why the UK needs a written constitution and elected small second chamber. Manifestos by main parties are ‘fiction’ and not binding, I have opposed the EU Common Market since 1972 because I forecasted it would damage UK fishing. We import from Alaska, Norway, Iceland and our own former territorial waters. How can that be environmentally friendly?

I live in the constituency after 40 years in london and seven years in Northamptonshire. I was born in Leicester. Leicestershire green belt must not be built on. City and county councils ignore green belt laws and build on floodplains. Ten per cent of housing approved by Government is uninsurable. Kibworth, Oadby, Fleckney, Great Glen have seen mass planning permissions.

I would like to reopen St Luke’s A&E. Harborough population is expanding from 21,894(2011) to 25,000 projected 2025 (40,000!). District 91,461(2017). It is dangerous to have nearest A&E in Kettering 10 miles away or Leicester Royal Infirmary 16 miles away.

The county high streets have been rundown for years by a combination of high overheads and restrictive parking. I would tax companies like Google and Amazon to subsidise business rates. I would put more police on the beat in the constituency.and punish flytipping by much heavier fines. Custodial sentences for county lines drug trafficking and knife offences. CCTV for farms, protection of lambs illegally stolen and slaughtered in Harborough and Northamptonshire. I would bring back free hospital parking. If elected I will continue to live in the constituency and have ‘surgeries’ in Oadby, Wigston as well as Harborough district.

If I save my deposit, five per cent of electorate 78,647 on 73.2% (2017), I would need 3,145 on last general election.

It would encourage other ‘ordinary’ people to stand.