Slimmer who dropped two dress sizes set to take over weightloss group in Market Harborough

Amanda Nunn before her weightloss and now.Amanda Nunn before her weightloss and now.
Amanda Nunn before her weightloss and now.
A slimmer who transformed her life by losing 1 stone 11 pounds is using her success to shape a whole new career helping other people change their lives too.

Amanda Nunn joined her local Slimming World group in Market Harborough 18 months ago and dropped from 10st 7lbs to 8st 10lbs and dress size 14 to 10.

Now, she has trained as a Consultant for Slimming World. Members at the group are getting ready to welcome Amanda as their new Consultant when she takes over the group on January 5 at new times and in a new venue.

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Amanda Nunn before her weightloss and now.Amanda Nunn before her weightloss and now.
Amanda Nunn before her weightloss and now.

She says: “Obesity is becoming such a huge issue across the UK. When I first joined Slimming World as a member, I never dreamed that I would end up helping other people to lose weight but now I just can’t wait to get started. After losing 1st 11lb and completing my training, it’s a privilege for me to be able to pass on the experience, insight and understanding that helped me, so that I can give my members the support they need to get to target.

“Support is really the most important thing. It all starts with feeling that you’re not alone. I couldn’t have lost one stone 11 pounds without the weekly help, encouragement and understanding of my own Consultant and group. As someone who has lost weight myself I know the challenges people can face, which is why, along with the group, I will be there to support every one of my members all the way to their chosen target weight.

"Setting targets, sharing recipes and other ideas, and working together as a group to overcome challenges and celebrate success is so important to a successful journey. That’s why, at my Slimming World group, there’ll be tons of support, encouragement and fun.

“Like a lot of slimmers, I had tried to lose weight so many times before by following numerous diets but they were never sustainable because I’d always get tired of restricting what I ate. I thought I was destined to struggle with my weight for the rest of my life, but when I came to Slimming World it was different. I never felt like I was on a diet. The eating plan encourages you to eat lots of tasty, filling foods like pasta, rice, potatoes and lean meat and fish, you are never hungry and no foods are banned so there’s no deprivation. I couldn’t believe I’d found a way to lose weight without starving myself."

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Sharon Wright, who runs Slimming World’s Octagonal Rooms group and manages Amanda as a Team Developer, says: “Slimming World Consultants are chosen for their positive outlook and because they genuinely care about the health and happiness of others. With Amanda’s experience of being a successful Slimming World member and her kind and warm personality and great sense of humour I just know that she’ll be an amazing support to members, cheering them all the way to their target weight.”

Amanda’s Slimming World group will be held at St Dionysius Community Hall, Coventry Road, Market Harborough every Saturday at 8.30am and 10.30am from January 5. For more information or to join Amanda’s group either pop along or call her on 07484 713831.